- Don't ask to ask, just ask
- Before you ask, :help it! (vim's help is GREAT)
- No politics
- Be decent and polite
- Stay on topic (within reason)
- Don't be a Vimpire (see FAQ for details)
- We don't ban people often, but when we do, it is forever, so don't push on the OPs
- No OS wars -- only editor wars allowed! (Vim runs on MS-Windows, Macintosh, Amiga, OS/2, VMS, QNX and other systems. And also on every Unix system)
- Vim(Chat, IRC, etc) or Cream related questions? GO AWAY! Seriously, we have nothing to do with Cream or the VimIRC plugin, and discussion of such things will just make us grumpy.
- Use vim.pastey.net for pastes, not the channel
- Read the FAQ
- Check the Wiki